KD 844.000
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KD 844.000Ask a Question
- Version with powder-coated housing in anthracite
- Stainless steel coffee boiler and steam/hot water boiler
- Subtle, silver-coloured PID display
– for the individual adjustment of the temperatures
– to indicate the coffee brewing time
– for setting the ECO mode
– for an optional display of the brew group cleaning reminder - High-end ECM brew group with innovative stainless steel bell
- Low-noise rotary pump
- Switchable from water tank to a fixed water connection
- Large boiler and pump pressure gauges in a retro design
- Professional quick-steam and hot-water valves, in an extravagant design, with an ergonomic movement mechanism
- 2 ergonomically angled ECM portafilter with weight-balanced shape
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Volumetric: The Musica is a volumetric espresso machine, allowing the operator to program up to three independent dosages. Once programmed the three independent dosages can be easily selected via the back-lit soft-touch buttons, found on the front of the machine. All of which can be dimmed and brightened to fit-in at any setting.
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The Musica is an elegant compact volumetric machine capable of delivering high-quality espresso. This machines size, output, and styling making it ideal for a number of venues.
Volumetric: The Musica is a volumetric espresso machine, allowing the operator to program up to three independent dosages. Once programmed the three independent dosages can be easily selected via the back-lit soft-touch buttons, found on the front of the machine. All of which can be dimmed and brightened to fit-in at any setting.
- تحديد الضغط قابل للبرمجة
- غلايات مزدوجة من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ
- التحكم اليدوي في تدفق المياه
- وحدة تحكم تناسبي تكاملي تفاضلي
- مطعمة بخشب الجوز
- التحكم اليدوي في الترطيب المسبق
- مخرج الماء الساخن
- مضخة حجمية داخلية
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